Monday, 25 February 2013

How to Find the Best Investment Consultant

In the changing perspective of Indian economy in the context of industrial growth, per capita income, and personal investment, Systematic investment plan (SIP) can be a better choice of investment plan for common Indian people than many other investment plans in use in this country. As investment is a personal choice and majority of investors belong to the middle class of economy, risk factors of investments in share market play an important role for decision of investing money in stock market and different mutual funds.

Benefits of SIP

A well planned SIP has the following benefits:

• Accomplishing individual financial goal

• Becoming a disciplined investor

• Growth of investment with compounded benefits

• Taking benefit of rupee cost averaging

• Carrying out investment processes with very less effort

Working principle of SIP is based on regular investments. As like as recurring deposit on per month basis, this kind of investment enables one to invest in a mutual fund through smaller periodic investments. Working of SIPS can be better appreciated through the understanding of power of compounding and rupee cost averaging.

Role of Investment Consultants

Be it an individual or a firm in investment consulting business, the expert advice that they provide help people find ways to invest their money in the right way. Investment is applicable for people of all strata of life. Not only a Top investment consultant in India but also in abroad has specialization in figuring out the ways to allocate and invest large amount of money for meeting specific requirements.

As the first role, allocation of resources includes a wide array of assets like bonds, equities, real estate, cash equivalents, hedge funds, and mutual funds. Any private business investment or a partnership one also belongs to allocation. The second role, that is, investing money decides the amount and areas of investment. The consultant individual or firm must monitor the performance of rolling of the money after the investment process is completed.

Why finding the Best

It is always better to appoint any registered investment advisor who has proven track records of performance in investment on stocks, mutual funds, and bonds. There always lies the necessity to find the best in any expertise. In fact, seeking the Best investment consultant can assure you of proper investment amount, time of investment, and keeping complete track of the money flow.

You can find the reference of investment advisors from your close friends, relatives, or associates. It is always better to subscribe in a few important database services that keep your record and inform you as soon as a financial consultant of your choice.

A few checkpoints to find the best investment consultant

• Verification of past record

• Evaluate their working system

• Checking out their operation

• Tracing if they had any regulatory problem

It is necessary to ensure good communication between you and your investment consultant. Trust is the final word. Judge your advisor with trustworthiness.

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